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Henghua JIAYE tells the story of the company sewage situatio

发布者:恒华佳业     发布日期:2017-07-30 
1. gas boiler exhaust gas boiler gas dust is mainly.SO2.NOx, mainly for the sewage treatment station of biogas produced by atmospheric iron oxide dry desulfurization process for reducing fuel combustion emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in flue gas. Meet the various indicators of the country to achieve the discharge standards.
2. acidification workshop waste gas and sewage treatment station generated waste gas, odor, concentrated collection, through alkali spray + activated carbon adsorption system processing, to achieve standard discharge.
3. sewage treatment steps: oil slick + micro electrolysis + neutralization + air flotation + three stage anaerobic + anoxic aerobic treatment, after reaching the standard, into the Rizhao Economic Development Zone Wastewater Treatment Center depth treatment.


